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Professor YU XiuMin
Release time:2018-07-12 source Author Number of clicks:1312次

Yu Xiumin has completed many projects including National High-tech R&D Program (863 program) of China, Defense Industrial Technology Development Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has been granted over 10 National Invention Patent, has published over 150 academic papers, and has worked as chief editor or editor for 9 publishing materials and monography. He has advised over 200 foreign visiting scholar, post-doctors, Ph. D. students and master students. He is the leader of collaboration group for national vehicle engineering major master education, deputy director of Diesel Engine and Gas Engine Sub-Society of CSICE, the deputy director of Automobile Engine Sub-society of SAE, a member of editorial committee of Transactions of CSICE, a member of editorial committee of Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), and a member of editorial committee of Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology. He has won 4 Provincial Award for Scientific and Technological Progress and Award for Outstanding Teaching Achievement, and 1 Provincial Award for Outstanding Teaching Material. He has won GM Creative Talent Award (first class) granted by department of science and technology of ministry of education and General Motors Cooperation, and Award for Outstanding Contribution on the 50th anniversary of SAE.

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