张超,夏淳,方俊华,谢晓敏,黄震.汽油芳香烃含量对颗粒物排放及其微观理化特性的影响[J].内燃机工程,2018,39(1):8-14. |
汽油芳香烃含量对颗粒物排放及其微观理化特性的影响 |
Effect of Aromatics on Concentration and Nanostructure of Particulate Matter from Gasoline Direct Injection Engine |
DOI: |
关键词:缸内直喷 汽油机 芳香烃 颗粒物 氧化活性 碳烟纳米结构 |
Key Words:direct injection gasoline engine aromatic particulate matter soot oxidation soot nanostructure |
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摘要点击次数: 6752 |
全文下载次数: 3071 |
摘要:基于国Ⅴ标准汽油,通过添加均三甲苯改变汽油中芳香烃的含量,在一台缸内直喷(GDI)汽油机台架上研究了汽油芳香烃含量对于GDI颗粒物(PM)排放及其微观理化特性的影响。研究结果表明:GDI PM排放随负荷增加而增加,在中低转速范围内随转速增加而降低;在高负荷下,芳香烃含量的增加会显著增加PM的排放并降低PM的氧化活性;芳香烃含量的增加促使PM前驱物增加,同时使碳层结构石墨化程度更高,阻止PM的二次氧化,从而增加了PM的排放。 |
Abstract:Particulate matter(PM) emissions and soot nanostructure were studied on a gasoline direct injection engine withmesitylene blended fuels based on China Ⅴ standard gasoline. The results indicate that PM emissions increase with load and decrease with the increase of speed over low and medium speeds. A higher proportion of aromatics will lead to higher PM emissions and lower oxidation of soot at high load. A higher proportion of aromatics will lead to more precursor and higher graphitic lamellae of soot, preventing PM from secondary oxidation, thus reducing PM emissions. |
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