Experimental and Simulative Study of Optimization of Spark Ignition Combustion Process
关键词:快速压缩-膨胀机(RCEM)  多火花塞点火  活塞运动规律  爆震  指示功
Key Words:rapid compression and expansion machine(RCEM)  multiple spark plugs ignition  piston movement  knock  indicated work
肖欢,汪洋,刘宇,席博文,付长来,甄旭东 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 2.天津职业技术师范大学 汽车与交通学院天津 300222 
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Abstract:The influence of the number of spark plugs, piston movement and compression ratio on the indicated work and detonation tendency of a rapid compression and expansion machine was studied through experiment and simulation. The results reveal that multiple spark plugs ignition can shorten the combustion duration and improve the indicated work, but the knock tendency increases obviously. The knock tendency can be reduced by increasing piston velocity to shorten the residence time of piston around top dead center, but the indicated work decreases at the same condition. The combination of the multiple spark plugs ignition with increased piston velocity and high compression ratio as high as 17.5 can improve the indicated work and suppress the knock, optimizing the spark ignition combustion process.
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