Vibration Characteristics of Common Rail High Pressure Fuel Pipe Based on Fluid-Structure Coupling
关键词:流固耦合  高压油管  湿模态  振动特性  均方根
Key Words:fluid-structure coupling  high-pressure fuel pipe  wet mode  vibration characteristic  root-mean-square
范立云* 哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 fanliyun@hrbeu.edu.cn 
董伟杰 哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 602334972@qq.com 
李屿明 哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 lym@hrbeu.edu.cn 
卢港澳 哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 1376554752@qq.com 
王广泽 哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院哈尔滨 150001 147314864@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 415
全文下载次数: 304
Abstract:In order to study the vibration characteristics of high pressure tubing in common rail system under fluid-structure coupling, a finite element model of high pressure tubing was established. According to the dynamic equation of the infusion pipeline, the wet mode characteristics of the pipeline with additional fluid mass were analyzed by ANSYS software. Then root-mean-square was used to quantify the vibration energy in the time history, and the vibration response of different elbows of the pipeline under fluid-structure coupling, the influences of different fuel pulsation rates, pressures and excitation frequencies on the pipeline’s fluid-induced vibration were studied. Finally, the vibration characteristics of the pipeline before and after adding pipe clamps under resonance frequency were compared. The results show that the natural frequency of the pipeline decreases under the fluid-structure coupling, and the decrease rate is more obvious in the high order mode, and the additional mass coefficient exceeds 0.13. The vibration of different elbows varies greatly. The vibration energy is positively correlated with the fuel pulsation rate, but not directly related to the pressure. When the pipeline is close to the natural vibration frequency, the resonance occurs, and the amplitude increases sharply to exceeding the standard. After adding the clamp, the resonance phenomenon disappeared and the vibration energy decreased by more than 90%.
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