Simulation and Experimental Study on Boiling Heat Transfer in Engine Water Jacket
关键词:发动机水套  沸腾传热  两相流  模拟仿真  优化设计
Key Words:engine water jacket  boiling heat transfer  two phase flow  simulation  optimization and design
张俊红,赵永欢,徐喆轩,胡欢,王杰,马梁 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津3003502.天津大学 仁爱学院 机械工程系天津301636 
摘要点击次数: 6384
全文下载次数: 3636
Abstract:In order to accurately study the heat transfer problem of the coolant flow in the engine water jacket, a gas liquid two phase flow model suitable for the boiling heat transfer in the engine water jacket was established on the basis of the mixture multiphase flow model. The temperature of the fourth cylinders fire surface was measured by a certain four cylinder gasoline engine, and the high accuracy of the two phase flow simulation was verified compared with the traditional single phase flow simulation. On this basis, the high temperature danger zone of the water jacket wall was found out, and the optimization scheme was proposed according to the design requirements of the engine water jacket. Results show that after optimization, the coolant flow and cooling are more uniform, the wall temperature of the water jacket is decreased and the heat transfer effect is also improved, which provides a reference for the future research on engine boiling heat transfer and the design of cooling water jacket.
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